Welcome to plastimatch¶
Plastimatch is an open source software for image computation. Our main focus is high-performance volumetric registration of medical images, such as X-ray computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET).
Software features include:
B-spline method for deformable image registration (GPU and multicore accelerated)
Analytic regularization for B-spline registration
Landmark penalty function for B-spline registration
Demons method for deformable image registration (GPU accelerated)
ITK-based algorithms for translation, rigid, affine, demons, and B-spline registration
Pipelined, multi-stage registration framework with seamless conversion between most algorithms and transform types
Landmark-based deformable registration using thin-plate splines for global registration
Landmark-based deformable registration using radial basis functions for local corrections
Tools for converting and manipulating vector fields and other geometric transforms
Broad support for 3D image file formats (using ITK), including DICOM, Nifti, NRRD, MetaImage, and Analyze
DICOM and DICOM-RT import and export
XiO import and export
Plugin to 3D Slicer
Plastimatch also features other handy utilities which are not directly related to image registration:
FDK cone-beam CT reconstruction (GPU and multicore accelerated)
Digitally reconstructed radiograph (DRR) generation (GPU and multicore accelerated)
A DICOM screen capture utility “Mondoshot”
Plastimatch lacks the following:
Landmark-based rigid registration
Viscous fluid registration
FEM registration
Surface matching registration
Reg-2-3 is no longer included in the plastimatch download. Please see <https://www.open-radart.org/cms/index.php/sorry> or <https://gitlab.com/plastimatch/reg-2-3>
An Ira J Spiro translational research grant (2009)
NIH / NCI 6-P01CA21239
The Federal share of program income earned by MGH on C06CA059267
Progetto Rocca Foundation – A collaboration between MIT and Politecnico di Milano
The National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NAMIC), funded by the National Institutes of Health through the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, Grant 2-U54-EB005149; information on the National Centers for Biomedical Computing can be obtained from http://nihroadmap.nih.gov/bioinformatics
NSF ERC Innovation Award EEC-0946463
NSF / CISE 1642345
NSF / SMOR 1662852
Hardware grant from NVIDIA Corporation
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