▼Nitk | |
▼NFunctor | |
CAndConstantTo | |
CAndConstantToImageFilter | |
CClampCastImageFilter | |
CMatrix | |
CAperture | |
CBeam_geometry | |
CBspline_header | Encapsulates the B-spline grid geometry |
CBspline_xform | Encapsulates the B-spline coefficients used by native registration and warping algorithms. Information describing the B-spline geometry is held in the base class: Bspline_header |
CDcmtk_file | |
CDcmtk_module | |
CDcmtk_rt_study | |
CDcmtk_rt_study_private | |
CDcmtk_series | The Dcmtk_series object encapsulates a set of Dcmtk_file objects which belong to a single series |
CDcmtk_slice_data | |
CDcmtk_sro | |
CDice_statistics | Computes a Dice statistic for the overlap between two regions. Dice is defined as |
CDicom_sro_save | The Dicom_sro_save is a utility class for saving DICOM Spatial Registration objects from different input sources. The input images may either already exist as DICOM, in which case the SRO will reference the existing series, or they may be written by this class |
CDir_list | |
CDirection_cosines | |
CDistance_map | |
CDlib_master_slave | |
CDlib_semaphore | |
CDlib_thread_function | |
CDvh | |
CDvh_private | |
CGabor | |
CGamma_dose_comparison | Executes a comparison between two dose distributions based on the "gamma index" defined by Dan Low et al. in the following reference: Low et al, A technique for the quantitative evaluation of dose distributions, Med Phys. 1998 May;25(5):656-61. The comparison is based on searching a local neighborhood for the most similar dose. The similarity is computed as the geometric mean of the dose difference and spatial distance. The gamma value at a point is then the minimum of this similarity value over the the neighborhood. Generally, the gamma value is normalized based on a spatial tolerance and a dose difference tolerance such that gamma values of less than 1.0 are acceptable, and gamma values greater than 1.0 are unacceptable |
CGeometry_chooser | Convenient method for choosing the right output geometry for a function |
CHausdorff_distance | The Hausdorff class computes the worst-case distance between two regions. There are many variants of the Hausdorff. See for example: |
Chnd_header | |
CImage_boundary | Takes an input image (binary) and computes an output image. Voxels of the output image will be one if they are (1) non-zero in the input image, and (2) have a zero voxel in their six-neighborhood. Other output image voxels will have value zero |
CImage_center | Computes the center of mass of a binary image |
CImage_stats | |
CItk_volume_header | |
CJacobian | |
CJacobian_stats | |
CLabeled_point | |
CMetadata | Encapsulate DICOM metadata for a single series. It is implemented as a map from string to string, where the key string is of the form "XXXX,XXXX" |
COption_range | |
CParameter_parser | Abstract base class which is used to parse ini-style file formats that control the registration, mabs, and dose calculation codes |
CPlm_exception | |
CPlm_image | Three-dimensional volume. The volume is an abstraction that can contain a volume in either native format (Volume), or ITK format (itk::Image), in any type (unsigned char, float, etc.), or in several commonly used extensions () |
CPlm_image_header | Defines the geometry of an image. It defines image origin, spacing, dimensions, and direction cosines, but does not contain image voxels |
CPlm_image_private | |
CPlm_image_set | Set of three-dimensional volumes. It is used for importing DICOM or XiO volumes which are scanned at multiple slice spacings |
CPlm_series | |
CPlm_study | |
CPlm_timer | |
CPlm_timer_private | |
CPoint | |
CPointset | |
CProj_image | |
CProj_image_dir | |
CProj_matrix | |
CProj_volume | Three-dimensional volume on a uniform non-orthogonal grid. The grid is regular within a rectangular frustum, the geometry of which is specified by a projection matrix |
CPwlut | Implements a lookup table with piecewise linear segments |
CRasterizer | |
Craw_pointset | |
CRay_data | |
CRpl_volume | |
CRpl_volume_lut | |
CRt_study | Encapsulates the concept of a radiotherapy planning data set, including image, structure set, and dose |
CRt_study_metadata | The Rt_study_metadata encapsulate DICOM metadata for an Rt_study. The Rt_study_metadata includes separate metadata for image, dose, and rtstruct, as well as a study_metadata which is shared by all components. Items such as Patient Name or Study Description will be held in study_metadata |
CRt_study_private | |
CRtplan | |
CRtplan_beam | Describes a single beam within an Rtplan |
CRtplan_control_pt | |
CRtss | Set of segmentations in polyline format, analogous to the DICOM-RT RTSTRUCT object |
CRtss_contour | |
CRtss_roi | |
CSegmentation | |
CSift | Implements a SIFT feature detector |
CSlice_list | |
CSynthetic_mha_parms | |
CSynthetic_vf_parms | |
CThreshbox_parms | |
CThumbnail | |
CVolume | Three-dimensional volume on a uniform grid. The volume can be located at arbitrary positions and orientations in space, and can represent most voxel types (float, unsigned char, etc.). A volume can also support multiple planes, which is used to hold three dimensional vector fields, or three-dimensional bitfields. |
CVolume_header | |
CVolume_limit | |
CWarp_parms | |
CXf_invert | |
CXform | Abstraction that encapsulates a simple transform, either native format (B-spline or vector field), or ITK format (linear, B-spline, or vector field) |
CXform_convert | |
CXio_ct_transform | |
CXio_demographic | |
CXio_dir | |
CXio_patient | |
CXio_studyset | |
CXio_studyset_slice | |
CXpm_brush | |
CXpm_brush_private | |
CXpm_canvas | |
CXpm_canvas_private |